SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here

Seeing a few random responses in other threads, but thought it would be nice if we could have a single thread to try to consolidate at least a "best of" compilation of speaker impressions. All cost ranges. All of us "stay at home" agoners would appreciate it. Thanks much.
Here were my favorites:
1) Vandersteen 7 - very clean and brought the music to life
2) Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE - very musical and addictive
3) Studio Electic T3 - very dynamic and fun, blew many, more expensive speakers away
4) YG Acoustics Kipod - breathtaking dynamics and soundstage, wish I could afford them.
5) All of the Gershman models being used. The Sonograms have to be the best bargain out there

The Duds (IMHO)
1) Magico Q5 - Big sound but I got bored after 2 minutes
2) Magnapan 1.7 - Huh?, don't get the hype...
3) Laufer Teknik - too polite and kind of muddy
4) Teresonic - went to show thinking I would buy these.. too laid back and one-dimensional
5) Reference 3A Grand Veena - very disappointing.. sound dominated room and was slow and boring

I don't pretend to be a reviewer or have a practiced ear, I just know what I like and dislike. Take it for what it's worth
I agree with Magico and Magnepan response. I thought Silverline had a good, although small demo set-up. The Paradigm demo set-up nearly gave me cancer it was so freakishly harsh to listen to. It was not good at all. Hmmm....Vandersteen was good, I'll agree with that. Over at the T.H.E. Show. Jaton USA had one of the better sounding rooms at either show. PBN had a new model that sounded pretty impressive in a massively large room. Tyler Acoustics had some very big, very nice sounding speakers. All in all it was a good show, but nothing that is going to re-write the audio industry. On a VIDEO note...........3-D TV is incredibly lame. how does this old, used up concept keep finding life?
My champs are
1) Aerial 10t that I believe has many positives from many best speakers: Bass has a deepness of Thiels and Dynaudios and speed of Klipsch; Mids and highs have clarity and details of B&W Nautilus series; Imaging and sound stage of Totem monitors; Sound superior in any size of room at any listening distance at virtually all volume levels with right amplification...
2) Avalon Opus has an extraordinary ability to imitate a headphone experience with superior light-speed presentation
3) I'm happy owner of Totem Forrest which I still believe the best floor standing speaker created by Vince. For the same sound qualities and value I love and respect Sonus Faber Grand Piano.

My dislikes are:
1) Martin Logan SL6, a truly unique speaker that never sounds right with any components; absence of sound depth making them 'flat panels with flat sound'.
2) Vandy 5 leaned back and slow with any components completely sucks for rock or instrumental music that I listen to.
3) Audio Physics Virgo never lets sound go out of its cabinets anywhere. Same bench would occupy Joseph RM7.