Rockport Mira VS Verity Parsifal Ovation

Right now I'm considering between these two gem as my new pair for this year. I can get them for about the same price range so only sounds that matters. My current pair is Avalon Eclipse powered by Spectral DMA 180 if this can be used as reference.

I'm kinda leaning to Parsifal but I've heard a lot of good things about Mira and I really like how it looks like.
Exactly. Carbon update and better mid and high drivers. I still wonder if I need to upgrade my poweramp and the rest too. you know what the timing is on the new Mira IIs? Also did you find out about it from your dealer or from some other source. I asked my dealer mid-last year and back then he said there were no updates planned for the Mira at that point. Thx
I heard this news from dealer when I was about to place order for Mira. Today I've received another great news that is ALL DRIVERS it uses are the same ones as Ankaa!!!

Pricing should be about $17000. It's supposed to be available in April but they say they'll hurry up building ones soon so it may be sooner than expected ;)
Windowsx...thx for the info. Do you know if the sensitivity or impedance characteristics of the speaker are going to be different from the current Mira? Thx again.
I think it'll be different since it uses different type of housing and drivers inside. You can't upgrade from Mira to Mira II and I'll be crying out of loud if they didn't inform me this before making a purchase. Specs shouldn't differ much from Ankaa so you can use that as reference. I doubt if they'll make the same crossover design.