efficient speakers for Shanling MC-30??

I'm picking up a Shanling MC-30 for my bedroom system. It has only 3 w/ch output power. I'd like to try this without a power amp so I'm looking for a decent pair of speakers for it. Is there anything beyond the efficiency spec I should be looking at?

Since this is my secondary, bedroom system I am quite happy with modest volumes and the goal is minimum # of components, to avoid clutter. Clean, accurate sound is most important. Looking for a modest size bookshelf speaker. I'll try it without power amp first. If need be, I can add a power amp down the road.

Any thoughts on this one?

havent even finished the first system and you are on a second one already....
Reference 3A is a great call.
Also look for the Reimer speakers in the used market. Great sound and very efficient
Riley8034 .... Absolutely ! : )

Picked up a used pair of Energy RC Minis. Waiting for it all to arrive and then I'll try it out.
