Room correcting subwoofer for music?

Is it worth buying a sub with room correction such as velodyne dd or can you make a non room correcting such a mj acoustics or others sound and blend well? Thanks, Scott
Marty, I appreciate you taking the time to give me your suggestion, I am just not that familiar with smaller speakers and subwoofer or subwoofers. Like everyone else here I am just trying to acheive a great sounding stereo. So in your opinion subs is better than sub? thanks,Scott


Unless you use DRC, in which case the answer is "maybe".

One sub, properly placed will usually produce much smoother bass response than a full range speaker in free space. There may be other issues with this approach(integration, for one) that, for some people, impose too steep a price to pay for this benefit.

Two (or more) properly placed subs will virtually always produce much smoother bass response than a single sub. The integration issues with your main speakers may well still exist.

OTOH, properly implemented DRC will address both FR and integration. It very effectively smooths the response of a single sub at your listening position, so a single sub w/DRC may be enough to address the FR smoothing issues. And....

My Velo SMS-1 sub controller includes RTA which displays the on-axis FR at the listening position on a video monitor. This has 2 benefits. It makes placing sub(s) much easier. That is, you can use the SMS-1 just as a set-up aid to determine optimum position for your sub(s) by looking at the FR readout. Trust me, this is easier and faster that testing trial and error by ear. If you must, you can even use the RTA to "put you in the ballpark" and then further tweak by ear.

And, the bonus...

The flexible low pass x-over in the SMS-1, coupled with the RTA readout and Parametric EQ allows for a lot of flexibility in fine tuning the "hand-off" at the x-over frequency. (IMHO) This can allow for a seamless, inaudible (again, IMHO) x-over from subs to mains. It's quite a bit of work, but (yet again, IMHO) definitely worth it.

The more expensive SVS/Audyssey unit is automatic (easier), but I'm not sure that you can use it as a placement aid and then remove it. To do that, you need a visual display of the uncorrected FR and I'm not sure that this unit has that capability. Perhaps someone else out there knows for sure.

I use both 2 subs and the SMS-1 and get great results. This approach is not necessarily for everybody, but EVERYBODY (hearing impaired excepted, I suppose) will instantly hear the difference between an uncorrected sub and a DRC sub in almost any room (anechoic chamber excepted). I wouldn't live without it. YMMV.

Marty, is fr frequency range? I was talking back and forth with Bob, he has been a great help. He told me that a properly placed sub will almost always be better than floor standing speakers because of the flexibility to be able to move your bass around to the proper spot. makes sense to me. It also amazes me how much room acoustics effect overall sound. thanks again,Scott
Ok another question ,really since bass is the foundation of all music, how much of your speaker budget should be put towards that? I have been looking at this being a add on to make the main speakers sound better but maybe it should be the other way around?

1) FR = frequency response.

2) Can't answer the budget question (it's personal taste), but I will say that a 12" Rythmik or SVS sub with SMS-1 will run $1200, and I think that's money well spent. Some, like Bob, might point out that the full range Audyssey found on many pre-pros and HTRs is a better value. I wouldn't argue, but I chose a different route.

3) Continue to take advice from Bob, he is among the most informed contributers here. My current system was largely constructed around his input.
