Check out the KRK Ergo. This unit incorporates the Lyngdorf "room perfect" correction system all the way up to 500hz.
It uses the same DAC chip as the Logitec Transporter and is even better implemented. It accepts a coax input or firewire. It also has a top notch ADC built into it with a single analog input. It can support 2 pairs of speakers or a pair of speakers and a sub utilizing its own internal active crossover. It does 24/96 conversion both ways.
All of this for $499 at your nearest guitar center-which includes a very high quality calibration mic too. It is an absolute hidden gem (in the audiophile world) and one of the best deals out there. It sounds exceptionally good with room correction bypassed and with it enabled it is down right awesome in my room. We are not talking small differences here- major, major, major.
When you take all the audiophile faceplates and jewelry out of the package it is amazing what $500 can get you.
It uses the same DAC chip as the Logitec Transporter and is even better implemented. It accepts a coax input or firewire. It also has a top notch ADC built into it with a single analog input. It can support 2 pairs of speakers or a pair of speakers and a sub utilizing its own internal active crossover. It does 24/96 conversion both ways.
All of this for $499 at your nearest guitar center-which includes a very high quality calibration mic too. It is an absolute hidden gem (in the audiophile world) and one of the best deals out there. It sounds exceptionally good with room correction bypassed and with it enabled it is down right awesome in my room. We are not talking small differences here- major, major, major.
When you take all the audiophile faceplates and jewelry out of the package it is amazing what $500 can get you.