Subwoofer reccomendations for B&W 805S?

My room is 17x15. How big of a sub should I need? Does anyone have any good reccomendations?
Try a rel Strata III. They sometimes can be found used on the gon. Great sub!
Yes, I believe so. I use Spendor SP-1s with my 2 Stadium subs most of the time in a 13'x35' room with a Cardas set up on the short wall. I play them quite loud at times with a 300 wpc amp. I run my main speakers full range, if you use the REL crossover you can gain a little volume increase at the cost of some signal degradation but I don't think you will need it.
I meant I believe they will work well in your new room, I have used my 805s in fairly large rooms and they were fine.
I think the responses here are all good suggestions. I'm
using a Velodyne DD-10 with my Signature 805's. They work
pretty well together in my 10x12 room. For what its worth
my friend has a DD-12 which I think would be too much
for a room of my size. The DD-10 gives me all I need.

Good luck
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