Speakers and glue......

Hi Guys, I am going to need some speakers, monitors or floorstanding to be used in a humid climate near the sea. This type of climate wreaks havoc with gear and especially anything that relies on glue. I guess Magnepans are out of the question because of this. Do any of you have any suggestions on speakers that aren't reliant on glue?
Why not put a dehumidifier in the room and just shut it off during playing times..This way you can buy any type speaker you want.........It is also more healthy to boot....
I have never heard nOrh speakers , but a few years back there was a lot of positive feedback about them.

Best regards,


A dehumidifier would be great except for a couple of problems - I can't find one anywhere in Brazil (believe it or not), plus, I am only there for a few months in the year and the house becomes musty during my away time.
Its not the glue it,s actually the wood expanding. If it was fastened with mechanical fasteners or even glued with polyurethane it would just crack and split at the joint or at the fastener. Dehumidify or aluminium cased speakers ? Cheers
Has2 be

Good answer - you are right, soft wood from here does tend to go wonky. The wood from Brazil though is incredible. It is as heavy as lead and you can pummel it with a hammer and not dent it. Pity speakers weren't made from Ip'e.
I had read on an ex-pats site some people talking about their furniture (that they brought from the US) falling apart and desk drawers not opening. Some mentioned glue, but I agree with you it could well be the wood now that I think about it.