Speakers and glue......

Hi Guys, I am going to need some speakers, monitors or floorstanding to be used in a humid climate near the sea. This type of climate wreaks havoc with gear and especially anything that relies on glue. I guess Magnepans are out of the question because of this. Do any of you have any suggestions on speakers that aren't reliant on glue?
If money isn't an issue, the Anat Reference II's are made of aircraft aluminum but cost $107,000. Most who have actually had the luxury of listening to them prefer them over the Wilson's.

I have plenty of recommendations. For music only - Sao Paulo. Great city, but that is all it is. If you want beaches, great scenery and music - Rio. Better still, a little place three hours outside Rio - Buzios. This has to be the most idyllic place on earth. Twenty three beaches, hundreds of restaurants, good nature, plenty of music for its size and very safe. Google "Buzios" for an insight - you will be impressed.
And if you don't plan on being there with a wife or girlfriend you will be in heaven - Brazil has the most beautiful women in the world hands down!

Anwyay, stay in touch with me closer to the time and I am sure I can help you when you start to narrow it down a bit, but you won't go too far wrong with Rio as an all-rounder.

Shipo - They don't have Target or Wallmart in Brazil.

Everybody else - I prefer to buy a well reviewed speaker. I really would like big Maggies but I believe they would fall apart due to the glue.

Aluminium is starting to look good - what decent (up to about $12,000) speakers, classics if pos, would fit the bill?
How about looking into sealing the wood with a good wood preserver/sealer, such as Thompson's Water Seal or some such?
I have used it to good affect on wooden windows in the past, that were prone to constant moisture and plenty of rain.
Just a thought.

I am hoping to find something I don't have to mess with, still not sure if they even use glue inside the speakers these days which might be a problem. Rather than having speakers made or putting time (that I always seem to be short of) into it I would prefer to just buy, hold my breath and hope they hold up.
I have some nice metal Pass Labs amps and I hate to imagine what is going to happen to the finish on those things within a month or two.
I believe both Green Mountain Audio and Mark and Daniel both make speakers of a cast composite material (no wood). I have not heard either, but both have been well reviewed here and elsewhere. They are also reasonably priced and would seem to be an option worth exploring.