Speakers and glue......

Hi Guys, I am going to need some speakers, monitors or floorstanding to be used in a humid climate near the sea. This type of climate wreaks havoc with gear and especially anything that relies on glue. I guess Magnepans are out of the question because of this. Do any of you have any suggestions on speakers that aren't reliant on glue?
You wouldn't believe how that salt air gets into things. I have some of those big Pelican cases that seal and apparently are watertight. Come back after a while and anything leather has turned to thick mold. The idea is to open your windows every day, but of course when you aren't there......
Thomastrouble. Csmgolf mentioned the Mark and Daniel line of speakers. The enclosures are made of compound marble. They look very nice and get great reviews.The Apollo II is in your price range. They're fairly large at 4' tall and weigh 170lbs each. They offer smaller models of floor standers as well, such as the Muse Ia at 85lbs, $5500 and also made of compound marble. They look very nice. I've never heard them but I'd like to after browsing their web site.

I have a couple of pairs of aluminum studio monitors laying down there now. They have been there for about a year, so I am going to open them up when I get back and see if there is any corrosion damage inside. If so, I think I will get some smaller monitors that I can seal up when I leave as one of the posters mentioned above.
Did you get a chance to Google Buzios yet?