Energy RC-10 or Monitor Audio RS1 for Virtue 2 am?

Hi fellow A'goners.

I am in the process of getting new speakers for my Virtue Audio 2. Which of the mentioned budget speakers would be a better match for this amp? I can get a pair of either of those for about the same price.
Thanks a lot in advance for your responses

I think you would like the Monitor Audio over the Energy RC-10 with the Virtue 2. I have heard both speakers, as well as the Virtue 2 pushing some Monitor Audio RS-6 floorstanders, and they made an amazing sounding match for a budget price. The RC-10 is not as defined or lively as the RS-1, and the Virtue is slightly relaxed sounding. If you can spring the extra money for the RS-6, you should be even happier with them on The Virtue.
Thanks Bigshutterbug,
I actually owned the RS6 before; an incredibly good speaker for the price. The thing is that I recently moved to a small apartment, so that's why the need for a smaller setup (on a budget). I sold my RS6's (I almost cried)and my NADC372 and now I think I'll be happy with the RS1 and Virtue 2 combo. I can't wait! I am glad to here that the Virtue 2 has a slightly relaxed sound, since the sound of MA can be on the bright side.
Thanks again
I own a Virtue TWO. I have the RS6 speakers whom bigshutterbug was refering. They are as balanced as any system I've ever heard. I use the Oppo BDP-83 for my cd player. And with the right ICs and power cords the system is amazing. Besides the room treatments, a power chord upgrade to the ac-dc converter on the amp was the most substantial upgrade I've made. On ebay they sell an AcousticsResearch AP803 powercord that makes an amazing differance. I hope this helps. zmanastronomy