Energy RC-10 or Monitor Audio RS1 for Virtue 2 am?

Hi fellow A'goners.

I am in the process of getting new speakers for my Virtue Audio 2. Which of the mentioned budget speakers would be a better match for this amp? I can get a pair of either of those for about the same price.
Thanks a lot in advance for your responses

I own a Virtue TWO. I have the RS6 speakers whom bigshutterbug was refering. They are as balanced as any system I've ever heard. I use the Oppo BDP-83 for my cd player. And with the right ICs and power cords the system is amazing. Besides the room treatments, a power chord upgrade to the ac-dc converter on the amp was the most substantial upgrade I've made. On ebay they sell an AcousticsResearch AP803 powercord that makes an amazing differance. I hope this helps. zmanastronomy
Zman is right, the stock two conductor cord on the basic power supply for that amp is a bottleneck to the current going to it and should be upgraded to something of higher gauge and quality. I would imagine this would be a smart thing to do if you don't intend to upgrade to the more expensive optional power supply or the battery power supply.
Thanks guys for your inputs/recommendations. So, what would give me better sound quality: a better power cord (like the one you have suggested) or the 30v/130W power supply upgrade that Virtue Audio offers for $150? If there any difference between these updates, how much?
Which speaker cables and interconnects are you guys using with this amp and the RS6?
Thanks a lot in advance!
BTW, I finally bought the RS1. They will be arriving in about a week. I can't wait!

The power cord was a huge upgrade. I couldn't imagine the $150 power supply doing as much as the cord I told you about on ebay. $12 plus shipping and it was VERY substantual. Try the power chord before anything else. Hers a link to them.