Energy RC-10 or Monitor Audio RS1 for Virtue 2 am?

Hi fellow A'goners.

I am in the process of getting new speakers for my Virtue Audio 2. Which of the mentioned budget speakers would be a better match for this amp? I can get a pair of either of those for about the same price.
Thanks a lot in advance for your responses

I just replaced the power cord that came with the Virtue Two with the AR power cord. Let me tell you that it was a great improvement!!! Thanks Zmanastronomy for all the suggestions!! Now I am going back to enjoy my music. The Virtue Two/Monitor Audio combo is just amazing!

It was the most significant improvement I made outside of the room treatments. If you can, treat your primary reflection points with acoustic treatments and the imaging will blow your mind. When that cord breaks in you're going to be amazed. Give it 25-40 hours and it will bloom beond what you can imagin. Pick up a Porter Port from this web sight and when it breaks in you'll be on stage with whatever band is playing. I'm glad you got the AR cord. The differance is night and day. Keep comming back to this thread and as I experament I will let you know what works and what doesn't. Have fun. zman
Check out my listening room. I done all the treatments with the bass traps for $150. I never new how good hi-fi could sound until I done this room.
Hey Zmanastronomy,
Your listening room is just amazing! Thanks for all your recommendations!! I am amazed by the the Virtue Audio/Monitor Audio combo. And the the sounds keeps on getting better and better with the AR power cord. Thanks a again.