Energy RC-10 or Monitor Audio RS1 for Virtue 2 am?

Hi fellow A'goners.

I am in the process of getting new speakers for my Virtue Audio 2. Which of the mentioned budget speakers would be a better match for this amp? I can get a pair of either of those for about the same price.
Thanks a lot in advance for your responses

Check out my listening room. I done all the treatments with the bass traps for $150. I never new how good hi-fi could sound until I done this room.
Hey Zmanastronomy,
Your listening room is just amazing! Thanks for all your recommendations!! I am amazed by the the Virtue Audio/Monitor Audio combo. And the the sounds keeps on getting better and better with the AR power cord. Thanks a again.
Luciano33, When you get used to the new cord let me know and I'll guide you through where to buy and how to set up a battery power for you amp. The changes you got with the AR cord pale in comparison to batteries. Let me know something. Zman