Full Range Speaker That Can Play Near Boundaries

Application calls for a full range speaker in the 10K range that will work well in a 13 X 17 room but little ability to move the speakers out into the space due to furniture and WAF issues. (Speakers will be maximum 18" from front wall either positioned on long or short wall). Looking for a real music lover's speaker, not a hifi demonstration. Very real midrange--lively and tonally correct with taught bass (not bloated or slow), dynamic yet non-fatiguing sound. Soundstaging and imaging are secondary to accurate tonality and lack of coloration. Suggestions?
Check out the Guru speakers. They are specifically designed to be placed close to a wall.
The Opera Seconda is priced well short of $10,000 but is an excellent speaker.I have driven them with both a 50 WPC tube integrated and a 160 wpc Muse 160 mk.II with excellent results.They are a sealed box design and do well where I have had problems with other speakers(near the rear wall).
Thanks for your responses so far--some models mentioned here that I've never heard of so that is welcome. Kana--my current speakers are fabulous and I never thought I would part with them but we have put an offer in on a home where my listening room will shrink from the current open floor plan with a main listening area of 15 X 23 X 9 to a 13 X 17 X 8 closed in room. The DA-1.1's may end up being too large a presence in the smaller space which will have lots of furniture that will keep them pinned to the rear wall so I'm looking for options in case the deal goes forward. One speaker I am considering is the Vandersteen Quatro which has a powered sub that can be contoured to the room and is slightly smaller physically than my DA-1.1's. I'll do some investigating of the options mentioned here as well.
A used pair of Legacy Whispers if you can find them will do exactly what you want. They are designed to specifically minimize interaction with the room and can be placed near corners. Open baffle compound dipole bass with included processor to adjust bass level as necessary. They image very well to boot. I owned a pair for about 3 years in a room nearly identical in size to yours and they worked great in that room (13 1/2 x 17 x 8).
Dodgealum -- Have you asked Lou if he thinks the DA-RMa might be suitable? I would think that its more controlled dispersion, relative to that of the 1.1's, and its less extended deep bass response, and its slightly smaller physical depth might all make it more suitable to a smaller room with a smaller wall-to-speaker distance. Also, the closer proximity of the drivers to each other would reduce the listening distance that is required for them to blend properly.

-- Al