Full Range Speaker That Can Play Near Boundaries

Application calls for a full range speaker in the 10K range that will work well in a 13 X 17 room but little ability to move the speakers out into the space due to furniture and WAF issues. (Speakers will be maximum 18" from front wall either positioned on long or short wall). Looking for a real music lover's speaker, not a hifi demonstration. Very real midrange--lively and tonally correct with taught bass (not bloated or slow), dynamic yet non-fatiguing sound. Soundstaging and imaging are secondary to accurate tonality and lack of coloration. Suggestions?
I would wait first to see if you actually move and if you do you might find out that your current speakers work fine in a room that size. If they don't pursue the new speaker.
My room is 14 x 18 and you would be surprised all the speakers that work in that space. BTW if you need new speakers check KCS speakers. Johnk answered above and he can build you a great speaker that will work in any room.
How about Merlin;the only thing I don't know for sure is
if they are sensitive to placement near the wall;great speakers and Bobby gives excellant Technical Support to his products.
OMG. It's the end of the world as we know it.
LOL! But there's still hope, if the possibility I suggested (DA-RMa's) could work out.

-- Al
I was just over at the home inspection today and think I can make the DA-1.1's work in the space--so Michael you can relax! I do feel that the DA-RMa's may end up being a better fit and will discuss this with Lou. My preference is to stay within the Daedalus line so I'll bring my DA-1.1's over and see how they work and then take it from there. I'm thinking the aperiodic vent, which does not emit much backwave through the ports, will allow me to back them up to the wall fairly close. I will undoubtedly lose some soundstage depth but this would only be temporary until we build the man cave in what is now the garage area. Then I'll have a hell of a listening room!