Focal Micro be/PASS Aleph J

Greeting fellow goners. I am currently running Micro bes with a Bryston 4B-SST/BAT VK-42se and Velo DD12 setup. The sound is very revealing of source components and recordings. I also am fortunate enough to also own a pair of 927 be floorstanders. I have swapped the 927s for the micros on a couple of occasions and find the 927s a wonderful listening speaker. I stop finding my focus drawn to individual aspects of the recordings and enjoy the music as a whole. The presentation is a bit more forgiving than with the micros, a bit warmer. The micros are not harsh and the presentation is more authentic in that they give a better illusion of performers "in the room". They dilineate performers more distinctly that the 927s and details in recordings are more fleshed out that with the 927s. Two different presentation both of which I enjoy however the majority of my collection is less than "audiophile quality". I would like to drag the micros a bit more in the direction of the 927s and I am wondering if the class A Aleph might do the trick. I can sacrifice some "reality" in exchange for the warmth and forgiveness that the 927s offer. I would appreciate any feedback that fellow micro be owners might have regarding the effects of different amps in the chain and especially any that have tried the aleph with the micro bes. Please keep the discussion to the JM's as I like BOTH speakers, they are just slightly different flavors of a presentation I am quite happy with. Thanks.
I had a situation that resembles yours. I currently use Focal 1007be's and a Pass XA30.5. When I first got the Focals, I ran them with a conventional class AB amp. I quickly replaced it with a class AB amp with a modest class A bias. I then replaced that amp with a class AB amp with a strong class A bias - the XA30.5. Then I was happy.

As I changed to increasingly class A biased amps, the presentation from the Focals became less analytical (but, paradoxically, not less detailed!) and more of a gestalt experience. The presentation also became more harmonically correct, which for me, goes a long way toward expressing the beauty of music. Hope that helps a little.
I can't imagine any speaker not sounding great with a Pass XA30.5 if 89db or higher sensitivity. As for the Aleph J, I would say the same, but you would want a speaker with a very smooth impedance curve and a nominal 8ohm impedance. With the right speaker I would not be surprised if the Aleph J is every bit as good as the XA30.5, and perhap with some even better, especially if you use a tube preamp.
My Micro BE's are running with a Theta Intrepid 5 channel amp. I found it advantageous to run the Micro's with a subwoofer crossed over at 60 verses the recommended 80 (JL Audio F112).

The Micro’s really settled in after I installed the last PC to complete a loom of Kubala-Sousa IC, SC, and PC’s (Expression and Emotion). All I can tell you is when I plugged in the last PC, it was like flipping a magic switch.
Thanks for the replies your feedback is helpful.

"As I changed to increasingly class A biased amps, the presentation from the Focals became less analytical (but, paradoxically, not less detailed!) and more of a gestalt experience. The presentation also became more harmonically correct, which for me, goes a long way toward expressing the beauty of music."

Sounds like what I am after. The Micros are really great and as they reveal every change upstream. A shift that would provide a less analytical yet fully deatailed presentation sounds like the happy medium between the current Micro presentation and the result I get when I exchange them for my 927bes.

Thank you all.