high end speakers? ... not sure what brands/model

I have a new (6 mo old) set of Paradigm Studio-20 speakers in my living room.
They sound great to me. However, I hear so much about other top brands and models ... it is almost dizzying trying to keep them all straight!

Anyway, I was wondering how far I was from a top-level speaker experience.
Are my speakers pretty good or should I think about upgrades?

I listen to jazz, folk, classical, some rock, etc. I have a Naim Nait 5i amp.

I really enjoy quality sonics at modest output levels.

Your speakers are definitely average in the grand scheme of things, as is your amp. What is it about the Paradigms that you aren't happy with? You can always get better sound if you spend a lot more money, but only you can decide where the balance between price and performance lies.

I'd suggest finding a local dealer where you can audition some different speakers and see what tickles your fancy. Make sure you're gaga over a particular speaker, not just "that sounds pretty good". Your dealer might let you borrow it so you can audition them in your own room. My theory is that the speaker-room interaction is much more important than is generally appreciated. (And so is the positioning of the speakers.)

There are hundreds of brands of speakers, and they all sound a little different. Start listening to some to get a sense of what you like and dislike in a speaker.

Just my 2 cents.

Albireo13 - I ventured from Paradigm Studio/20 v1 to Paradigm Studio/60 v2 to Hyperion HPS-938. My main problem with Paradigms was unforgiving metal dome tweeter. Hyperions are relaxed, laid back and way better in every way (on the other hand they are ugly and dealership is practically non-existent).
You need a 'horn' experience. If you have not noticed, many of the high end speakers are horn's. If you have the room, think about a vintage Klipsch pair, great sound, great value.