Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage and Single Ended Triod

Has anyone tried a SET tube amp with their SF Guarneri Homage?

Considering a 300B tube amp.
I wander if anyone else has any experience driving relatively inefficient speakers with low powered 300B amps? Thoughts?
I used Cary 300B Signature to drive B&W N805 without problem, but it took a year to break-in the N805. I also tried Forte 4A(50W class A) to drive N805 and found it was only a few more powerful than Cary 300B Signature. Then I bought B&W S805 and found they are much easier to drive than N805 thanks to their bigger magnet in the woofers. At that time, it took only 8 hours to break in the S805. I also tried Welbourne DRD 300B & J.C. Verdier 300B to drive S805 without any problems. I found J.C. Verdier 300B is the most powerful one of these 3 300B amps. So I sold the Cary's & Welbourne's.
Poorguy, do you have any idea how efficient the B&W S805 is?
The Sonus Faber GH's are pretty inefficient, on the order of 84- 86db
I believe.
I would suspect that any speaker below 89db efficiency may not be a
very good match for low powered single ended tubes.
These amps may drive a lower efficiency speaker but I would suspect
would run out of steam very quickly on bass transients etc.
I am curious if anyone has any long term experience with this
apparent mis-match( low powered single ended amps matched up with lower efficiency speakers)( Onemug do you still use 300b's to drive your GH's?) I still want to try this combo myself, so far no opportunity.:0(
I haven't used my 300b (Art Audio Symphony II) on the GH's in awhile. Been using either a Pass XA30.5 or Marantz 8b.

I hope you can get a nice 300b when you do try the pairing. As Poorguy alluded to, not all 300b's are created equal.
B&W N805 & S805 both are 86dB of efficiency, but one is obviously easier to drive. So, efficiency doesn't make a lot of sense in my case maybe because I listen to them in nearfield- 7 feet to left & right speakers.
Actually, I had also tried Fi 300B for several days without success. I think running out of power on bass transient or not depends largely on how much energy stored in the output transformer of SET.