Based upon the discussions above, I wonder if my Lamm M2.1s, or their successors, the 220 wpc Lamm M2.2s would work with the Savoys? (They work very well indeed with my friend's Rockport Antares, and with another friend's Revel Salon 2's, both of which are also somewhat difficult to drive. And the Lamms get pretty warm too, (not hot, but warm enough to raise the room temperature a few degrees). If you get a chance to borrow a pair of M2.2s to audition, I recommend that you give them a try, as they are the best amplifiers I have ever heard. (Tied with the VAC Phi 300.1 tube amps, which would not have enough power for your speakers unfortunately.)
Also, I see you have discovered that Nordost cables and Eggleston speakers go together like eggs and bacon!
(Imagine Homer Simpson - Mmmmmm Bacon!)
I use Bi-wired Nordost Valhalla speaker cables myself, (along with balanced Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects from my preamp to amps), and I really like the sound. While I liked, (loved?), the mid-range that the Jena Labs Pathfinder speaker cables gave to the sound, they just seemed to roll off the treble just a bit too much for my tastes.