New Eggleston Savoys ?

I had a weak monment and bought a pair of Eggleston Savoy speakers for my large room. My room is 28x22x10 on peer and beam wood floors. I hope I made the right decision.
Not to worry, as you have stated, you made the right decision IMO. Congrats & enjoy. I love my Andra II's and had thought of moving up to other manufactuers in the price range +$5-$10K -- but have always come to the conclusion it would be a sideways move and not upward as initially led to believe.

If you keep the upgrade bug at bay, you'll keep these for some time.

I have a couple of amps left over from prior speakers. I have a pair of Sonic Frontiers Power 3 monos with KT88 installed. I really like these amps. They make about 240 watts. They are just not big enough for the Savoys. The Savoys like power. I also have a pair of Classe CAM 350 monos. These are my main amps right now with the Savoys. I think I may go bigger in the future, not sure what I would upgrade to. The Classe 350 amps are connected to my speakers with 2 pairs of very short Nordost SPM Speaker cables. The speaker cables are only 2 feet for each pair. This amp combo creates a very fast presentation allowing the amps to build a complete image at least in my mind.

If you are thinking of upgrading to the Savoys make sure you have the space. My room is over 5000 cubic feet. Just about perfect.

I have to agree with you about Eggleston, they seem to have a knack for making musical speakers. It just doesn’t matter what type of music I play they just disappear and let the music come forth.

My only gripe with my Andra IIs is it requires a high current amp to make it sing so playing with low power amps is not an option. I came to the same conclusion as Ontjesr after auditioning several more expensive and efficient speakers.

Coxhaus, I find my Sonic Frontier Power 3SE+ works well with the Andra IIs. After the mod using Reissued GL KT88 and NOS Philip Holland e88cc SQ, it produces 268 watts and able to drive the Andra to satisfying levels.

Bass and dynamics were better with my Krell FPB600 but inferior in all other areas. I sold the Krell ahortly after the SE+ mod.
I am experiencing the same problem as you are with amps. The Sonic Frontiers Power 3s sound the best. The problem is my room is so large it can suck the watts out of the amps. The Power 3s just run out of steam and start to harden off unless I play at low volumes. The Classe CAM 350 monos are very fast warm sounding amps and seem to get very close to tube sound using the very short SPM speaker cables I use. The Classe 350 monos are rated by Stereophile at 450 watts in 8 ohms. They just seem to really open up the Savoys to allow the music through in a way I can’t do with the Power 3s. I am sure if I had 2 sets of Power 3 monos and bi-amped it would be the best. The heat in Texas in July and August would just be too great. If I lived north I would probably try it.
The Sonic Frontiers Power 3s are fabulous amps and Chris wants to modify them. He said they would be better over all and a lot better bass. He modified my Sonic Frontiers Line 3 and could not believe the difference. The Line 3 is what I am still using.

Based upon the discussions above, I wonder if my Lamm M2.1s, or their successors, the 220 wpc Lamm M2.2s would work with the Savoys? (They work very well indeed with my friend's Rockport Antares, and with another friend's Revel Salon 2's, both of which are also somewhat difficult to drive. And the Lamms get pretty warm too, (not hot, but warm enough to raise the room temperature a few degrees). If you get a chance to borrow a pair of M2.2s to audition, I recommend that you give them a try, as they are the best amplifiers I have ever heard. (Tied with the VAC Phi 300.1 tube amps, which would not have enough power for your speakers unfortunately.)

Also, I see you have discovered that Nordost cables and Eggleston speakers go together like eggs and bacon!
(Imagine Homer Simpson - Mmmmmm Bacon!)

I use Bi-wired Nordost Valhalla speaker cables myself, (along with balanced Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects from my preamp to amps), and I really like the sound. While I liked, (loved?), the mid-range that the Jena Labs Pathfinder speaker cables gave to the sound, they just seemed to roll off the treble just a bit too much for my tastes.
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