McIntosh MA5200

I haven't seen too much written about this integrated amp. Any opinions out there?

I have to apologize. I got caught up in all of this bickering and didn't realize what was going on. Quite a few people on this web site don't like me. I tend to speak my mind, not trust reviews and use listening as my primary method for component selection, even if what I hear contradicts the specs on a piece equipment. When I read Parneer's post, the first thing I said to myself is that I must be in the Twilight Zone. And then it hit me. I had to offend them in another thread. Its the only way that I can explain their posts.


Your last post is unbelievable. And I mean that literally. I don't believe you. In your first post you say this.

“06-05-15: Paraneer
A German Hi Fi Mag. Stereoplay found 206WPC into 4 Ohm. McIntosh does not provide a 4Ohm measure.
And that is one the reasons why I did not buy this amp and went with my Marantz reference unit instead”
Now, in your last post you say this.
“Again, I strongly considered this amp and auditioned it with a pair of Sonus Faber Cremonas, a 4 Ohm speaker. And while the MA5200 did drive them, the Marantz PM15S2 (90 wpc into 8 & 140 wpc into 4) did a much better job. So much so that this is the amp I went with to drive my VA's and have no regrets. I would suggest to anyone with 4 Ohm speakers to be leery of this particular Mac product. “

That's a lie. You did no such thing. If you really compared them side by side, you would have said that in your first post. Its the most relevant piece on information you have to offer, and you're just bringing it up now, after the fact? What's even more remarkable is that even presented with facts about the 5200, you ignore them, but you do quote them. Under ideal circumstances an amps power should double as resistance is halved. The McIntosh clearly does this in the specs you reference from the German magazine that tested the amp. Your Marantz, however, does not. For 90 watts at 8 ohms, you only get 140 at 4 ohms. The McIntosh clearly out performs it. The Marantz is a toy. The only thing it has going for it is that its made in Japan, not China.

In the future, if you have an issue with me, come to me with it. You high jack a thread where the OP is just looking for some good advice and twist everything around just to be spiteful. You end up looking like the fool that you are.
@ ZD - You ARE a cranky one, aren't you? I couldn't care less about you personally and have no interest in bickering, although it appears you do. You may wish to note that I implied absolutely nothing other than if one is dropping $5K+, one might be better served with something rated accordingly. I publicly list my system, most of which is newer Mc if you care to check it out. I know what Mc can do and what Frank Gow, Gordon Gow and Roger Russell all helped to make it do because I lived there for decades. That's why I suggested Jimmymac get in touch with Audio Classics. Steve Rowell has forgotten more about what should be a good match for the OP than any of the rest of us will ever learn.

My last post was directed to Paraneer. I thought I addressed the comments to him. If I didn't, it was an error on my part. But looking at your other posts, I really didn't see the relevance in talking about the B&W's and ML's, when we already know the OP's speakers and they aren't anything like the 2 you list. Also, this whole thing with the 4 ohms is silly. The tests confirmed the amp doubles its output at 4 ohms. What more do you want? To suggest the MA5200 won't have enough power in the OP's application is ridiculous. If you don't want to argue, thats fine with me. But when you post confusing stuff that can't help the OP at all because its not in context, its kind of hard to stand by and say nothing.
tend to speak my mind, not trust reviews and use listening as my primary method for component selection.

I had to offend them in another thread. Its the only way that I can explain their posts.

In the future, if you have an issue with me, come to me with it. You high jack a thread where the OP is just looking for some good advice and twist everything around just to be spiteful. You end up looking like the fool that you are.

Huh? Where did this come from???

I agree with another poster, Effischer and you think this is some kind of attack on you? I wasn't even addressing you Zd.

Looking at the more salient points of your rant, IMO the only one who looks like a fool is you. Not to mention paranoid. Or maybe just narcissistic. In fact, in my post nothing was about you. It was addressing the OP to assist him in deciding if this is truly the best amp for his speakers. Based on past experiences with this amp in auditions, I happen to think its not. I believe there are others who think this way too. In others words, yours isn't the last word pal.

I have to laugh about your accusations. Both my posts collaborate with each other - first post I said I did not buy it and the second I elaborated why. Also, how can I be hijacking anything when my original post was the 4th in this thread?

I do agree with you about one thing though...I don't trust reviews either which I why I auditioned it. What I can't figure out is why you are advocating this model if you don't trust reviews either? Unless, you have you actually heard it like I did? Did you?

Oh yeah, learn to use markup tags too and you may start writing more coherent posts.
This is getting old.

" I believe there are others who think this way too. In others words, yours isn't the last word pal."

You're right. Its not about me or you, its about the OP.

"What I can't figure out is why you are advocating this model if you don't trust reviews either?"

Once again, its not about me advocating anything, its about the OP. I don't really care for McIntosh myself, but the amp isn't for me. Also, I'm not trusting any reviews. A review is an opinion. I just quoted the specs. They don't support your argument, so you don't count them as valid. If the same exact specs supported your argument, they would be fine. You're only concern is to win the argument, and in doing so you missed the point of the discussion. And that is to determine if the MA5200 will have enough power to drive the OP's speakers properly. Given everything we looked at, the answer is yes. In this application, it won't lack for power.

I still don't believe for a second that you actually tested both amps, side by side. If you did, it would have been in your first post. Pure BS on your part.