Speaker stands height for Harbeth Compact 7es3

What is the right speaker stands height for Harbeth
Compact 7es3. Skylan makes SKY-4P20, 20" high but it seams
to be to high. I was thinking to order in 18" height. My
listening distance is 9' and it would bring tweeter to ears
level. I would really appreciate opinions. Thanks.
Thanks, I've been advised to go with 19" Sound Anchors. I'm using 24" temporary stands, that sound pretty good, but I have not compared them.I'm 5'7", and the sofa is low.
Those should be good, although expensive to me. 24" is too high, no matter what your height. Alan Shaw would probably disagree, but it seems at that height it starts robbing from the bass area. You'll be very happy to hear them at 19". Have fun!
You're welcome, good Dr. Now will come the age old question of what to fill them with, or not at all....
My Sound Anchor stands came prefilled, sealed, and weigh a ton. Not sure what they use.