There are lots of good choices, and even more opinions. I would suggest either the Audio Note K or the Zu Tone. The Ks are going to be light in the bass region, but Js or Es would almost certainly bee to much speaker for your room size. The Zu Tone is a little punchier.
Just curious, what type of rock music do you listen to? Have you heard some of your favorite music on a 20W SET amp and small speakers? I listened to Stairway to Heaven on a 300B amp and single driver speakers the other night - it was... let's call it an interesting experience.
Just curious, what type of rock music do you listen to? Have you heard some of your favorite music on a 20W SET amp and small speakers? I listened to Stairway to Heaven on a 300B amp and single driver speakers the other night - it was... let's call it an interesting experience.