Klipschorn Imaging

I have a pair of 1980s klipschorn for about a year. I have not heard anything sound this large or so dynamic, but for about a couple of months I have been trying to get them to image well and I am failing.
I have Onkyo TX SR806 (I have some HDMI sources) with pre amp out to MiniWatt 2.5 watt tube amplifier.
One is in the corner flush while the other has wall only on one side (no chance of getting a wall there and false corner likely will look bad).
I have tried using Sonic Impact T amp and that did not provide any imaging either.
The room is 25 ft by 25 ft with the speakers about 10 ft apart.
Is this just the nature of the speaker or has anyone been able to achive good holographic imaging?
Thank you for your inputs.
Thanks for your replies.
Sebrof- How do the Khorns look with the tophats unscrewed and moved forward? I feel your pain though.

I have never heard the tannoys but I wonder if this horn thing is getting a bit much for my ears- it is very fatiguing. Especially when I keep moving back and forth between amps.
These are the most dynamic speakers I have ever owned, but they are corner horns. I had a room that was too long from corner to corner and never got a reasonable sound stage. I even tried a center speaker, but that proved difficult and expensive.

In my present room I might be able to get by with them in the corners and sitting as far from them as they are apart, but I will not try them again.
08-08-10: Blueacara
Sebrof- How do the Khorns look with the tophats unscrewed and moved forward? I feel your pain though.

The tops are only unscrewed and slightly twisted towards the listener so that the corner that normally sits against the front wall is about 4 - 6" from it. This made a big improvement. They look fine, ALMOST like they were meant to be a 2-part speaker.
And no pain, I really like them. As good as or better than any speakers I've owned. When I got a suitable amp it made all the difference (Low power single ended).