Emotiva Goes Brick and Mortar

Click the link below to see Emotiva's plan to go to a dealer network along with its online sales.

Emotiva's Brick and Mortar Plans
emotiva seems to be changing a couple of things--adding retailers and moving their manufacturing back to the states. though they claim otherwise, you have to believe this will have the effect of raising prices (or at least keeping prices higher than they would be under the internet only/made in china model), though i guess they gain some cost benefit from scaling. it'll be interseting to see what this does to thier brand cachet.
Dan Laufman proclaimed: “By the end of the year, over half of our revenue will be derived from American-made product, and we’ll do it without raising prices.”

That's a laugh coming from the guy who raised the price on the their flagship XMC-1 from $1595 to $1995 and now to $2495 - all in the past year. And a good part of their entire lineup have gotten price increases in the past year in addition to eliminating several options Emo offered to lower prices - eClub, etc....


And the XMC-1 I ordered 6 weeks ago has STILL NOT SHIPPED...
