Speakers with deep base

Looking for a speaker that will do deep and abundant base. Must have, at least in my view, at least 12''+ drivers. Thinking 5-7k in budget.

My room is 20 feet wide and 60 feet long.

Other restrictions on gear are really not an issue. I can buy what I need.

Thanks Ken

that would be my first suggestion, and you can also find Watt Puppies, used, in that range as well.

Great bass from these speakers. I don't know what the ratings are, but when I have heard them, they go DEEEEP!

Tvad, thanks for the follow up.
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Legacy Focus 20/20 or Focus HD (earlier versions had loose bottom end IMO -- 20/20 and HD versions corrected this). Big sound with abundant bass and good musicality -- very dynamic (both need strong solid state amp to control the woofs--pair with a good tube preamp and this is wonderful rig).
Slightly used Legacy Focus meet your requirements. Either two or three 12" woofers per speaker. (The older models have three per speaker, the newer ones two.) 95db/2.83v efficiency, so your watts go a long way. I don't know of any other speaker that moves as much air for the price, without a dedicated subwoofer. Pretty good sound overall.
Vandersteen 5A will perform true 20 hz bass in your room
They feature a self powered double cone metal 12 in a sealed enclosure with a unique tuning feature that will optimize the quality of the bass in your room this enables the mid bass,patented mid-range, and treble drivers to sit on a bass coherent foundation allowing you quality performance and coherence at all volumes.