Risky Pass purchase...?

I've recently purchased a Pass XP-20 to replace my Roksan Platinum pre but I haven't even heard the XP-20! As the deal was so good & my curiosity so great I had to get it.
I'm a bit concerned about compatibility with my Roksan Platinum dual mono power...

Can any other owners reassure me of its performance?! Does it live up to all the favourable reviews?
No worries- Infection.
Pass Labs is the best solid-state gear at the present.
The XP-10 or XP-20 are very special indeed. Get ready to have your musical mind blown!

Happy Listening!
Thanks Ebm & Jafant, I feel a sense of reassurance!

I'll let you know when it arrives & installed...

Do Pass offer different length umbilical cable? It's just that I'll be using it stacked so won't need 1.5m.