Revel Studio versus Parsifal Encore

I currently own the old Revel Studio's which I am very content with. There is a pair of Parsifal Encores listed and I am always looking for material improvement in SQ at a reasonable financial outlay. I would consider making an offer on the Parsifals (which are very low priced), give them a try and sell at a small loss if I prefer my Revels. If I prefer the Parsifals the Revels would go. However, besides the money, the logistics involved are substantial so before considering this move I would like to solicit input on the reletive merits of the two speakers, preferable from folks that have heard both. I listen mostly to small acoustic ensembe music - not large orchestral, or electronic rock. My 2 channel system is also integrated into a 5.1 system with Revel B-15 sub, Kef 205c Center and paradigm in wall surrounds. The Revel and Kefs are quite synergistic. I drive the Revels with 200wpc pure class A monoblocks (Jungson JA-200), which should work just fine with the Parsifals as well.
Thanks. This is very helpful.
I am getting S/N from seller to verify tweeter version.

Verity quote for the platform is more like $600 - I will look at the Symposium platforms instead.

Finish is indeed a winner - my sub and center and audio rack are all maple.

I have 200wpc pure class A. Barely enough for the Revels- plenty for the Verity it appears.

I'll probably make an offer and if we can come to an agreement do an in house shootout between the Studios and Parsifals and may the best (to my ears) win. I'll post results here.
Bear in mind that the two speakers have vastly different engineering philosophies behind them. Revel's approach is to build a speaker that adheres to the elements of sound reproduction that have been revealed to most critical in Harman's blind listening tests, whereas Verity seems to build speakers according to their own listening preferences. Of course, only you can decide which approach works for you.
I know the Revels only by audition. They appeared to be a fine example of a straightforward, pretty neutral, extended bandwidth design. Again, limited exposure behind that judgement.

I own Parsifal Encores and would agree with a lot of what's been said here. They are just a touch to the "polite" side of dead neutral, which means they sound great with a lot of pop/rock that's recorded too hot for many "audiophile" loudspeakers. They still sound very, very good with SOTA recordings. The bass takes some trial and error to get right. By design, you'll get some elevation around 40hz, with a pretty rapid roll-off below. These guys definitely need a fair bit of juice to sing, and low power amps (especially SET and OTL) need not apply - as their load can make for some rough sledding.

Overall, IMHO, an excellent speaker of its type.

I just did some citical listening to a pair of Leonores, which I assume have similar sonic signature as the Parsifals. The Parsifal magic is in the midrange - in particular, voice and acoustic solo instruments are more natural sounding. The Revel's create a bigger image, more tight bass and are more in your face. Musicality versus "impact". If you're primary objective is to recreate the ambiance of a Jazz trio in a small club, or a singer with his guitar in a your living room, get the Parsifals, if you want orchestral or large venue ambiance (and HT) get the Revel's. 80% of my listening is the former, so I am leaning towards giving the Veritys a try. Since the asking price has just been raised by $1,000 I'm still a bit hesitant. Will decide soon, partially based on tweeter version in the pair for sale. Just curious if anyone knows how much previously listed Encores (or even an Ovation) have sold for on A'gon?