Ok, so I'm looking at the Quad 12L2 (good price used, although I'm still wary of used...were these really $1200 new? I've seen more like $800 new...).
I like the forward description, but not the edgy in the high mids one. Also like the aspect that they seem to not be too picky about positioning (I think the 520's are) as I can't be in a "perfect" position for listening (I'm not going to be sitting in a dedicated audio room in a chair perfectly centered between my speakers at the perfect height...etc.).
Funny thing is according to one speaker reviewer, the 11L2's lost to the 520's in a shootout!:
http://www.usheraudio.com/news/Hi%20Fi%20World%20Feb%2007%20520%20Group%20Test%20Review/index.htm(Though it seems it was close).
On the tech side, I'm a little worried about the 6ohms (I admit I'm ignorant about ohms) and 86db sensitivity of the 12L2. However, that same reviewer says that 40wpc is enough for the 520's which have 84db and that dip to 6ohms.
Meanwhile, been doing a lot of listening to the 520's and while it seems they are doing nothing to little wrong, I'm just not engaged or excited about what I'm listening to. They're like ok, here's the music, I'm playing it without coloration...what else do you want? Excitement, energy, emotion? Nope, sorry. I'm cold, clinical, and accurate, dry...boring.
I have to admit I've been listen a lot with headphones over the past 6 months or so, and those can be more intimate than speakers, so coming back to speakers now is a change. But speakers are also more realistic and "rocking" and let you feel the music as well as hear it. So why the detachment?