Distributed Subwoofers - Options

I know that Duke from Audiokinesis manufactures the Swarm.
I was recently told that there's another system available from a boutique guitar (Guitar?!) dealer somewhere in the Southwest, but I can't find anything more about it on the 'net.

I guess that you could also assemble your own, but I was wondering what's out there in the way of complete multi-sub systems. Anyone know of good options to learn about?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Marty,

My guess is you're referring to James Romeyn, a dealer for Thorell high-end guitars. Here's a link to the page for his DSA 1.0 subwoofer system:

James Romeyn's Distributed Subwoofer Array

This system has higher output and deeper extension than either version of the Swarm, and Jim has incorporated several significant refinements beyond what I'm doing.


Thanks for the pointer.
I"ll check out the link, but...How's this for irony?

I commissioned an archtop from Ryan Thorell this past January and it's due to arrive in the fall. Kind of a small world, huh?


PS I want to learn more about the approach - anyone else out there barking up this tree?