Best value speakers available

I was intrigued by a thread about buying new speakers in the 10k range, a speaker that just kept poping up was the magnepan 3.6. I agree that that is a super value for the money but then again so are the 1.6's. What are you picks for the best "value" speaker out there. I would prefer not to hear the wilson audio X-1 grand slamm, unless of course you are bill gates! thanks in advance for any comments.
Coincident is huge value for the money.I heard a 5.5k French made speaker on the weekend that was not the equall to my 2.5k Coincident speakers.
The entire line of Vandersteen speakers, within their respective price ranges, are "high value" speakers. Richard Vandersteen has emphasized value for years, which is why the money goes into the cabinet assembly and the drivers, rather than an expensive finish. Of all the speakers that Vandersteen makes, I'd say the 3A is probably the best "value", particularly used, although a good case could also be made for the 2Ce Signature. I own the 3A Signatures, which I think are a noticeable improvement over the 3A, and if a $3500 speaker is within your budget, they are well worth the extra cost.
i"m *hoping* the newform research r645, @ $2265 delivered, or the nhb645 for ~$200 more, is a giant-killer. everyting i've read about 'em sez they're *it* for me, but ya gotta hear 'em before ya know for sure! :>) i've been saving for a pair for a while... 30-day in-home trial, so if i'm not happy, i will be out a couple bills to ship 'em back. seems fair to me...

doug s.

My vote goes to the PSB Stratus gold i's. I believe you can find them for as little as 1200 used. You will need some power though. And you'll hear the difference with whistle clean power. My rig running the MF A3CR amp and pre is getting close to a Martin Logan-Mark Levinson setup at probably 4 times the price. When I get the furniture rearranged I'll add a second MF amp to biamp-I like it loud. I'm not saying they are the ultimate in all things, they are one of the bargains in audio .