Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamp

Hello all.

I just wanted to drop a quick note to the forums stating that I purchased a Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamplifier about a month ago from Upscale Audio.. (thanks Kevin for your help).. and wanted to convey in some way how pleased I am with my purchase. I was using a solid state unit for a lot of years [at nearly three times the cost] and as much as I enjoyed that unit, the Primaluna is in another league compared to quality of sound,which of course, would be the reason why any of us look to upgrade our systems.

This preamp has a fantastic way of causing the natural sound of the music to ebb and flow that only a well made tube pre can do. As expected, the mid's on this unit are glorious and just plain sound like real music, communicating to my ears what tubes do so well,that is...a naturally organic and there.. musical presentation.

Also,as much as the mid's impress, the highs and lows are just as good as the mid's. The bass on this pre just plain rocks. This thing digs deep and does so without any reservation. I never would have thought that a tube preamp could have better bass performance than my solid state unit..but for me,in my system, without a doubt, it most certainly does. I'm guessing the high build quality and the massive transformers used in this design are the reasons why it digs so deep, and does so without apologies.

The highs are yet another fantastic area where the Primaluna grabs your attention, and I mean so in a most positive way.The highs are very natural and revealing at the same time, without any added fatigue or brightness in presentation.That in and of itself is a rare combo for any piece of kit...let alone one that is so reasonably priced,that is.. by high end standards.

The reviews of this preamp online by some of the better rags out there are a fair and truthful assessment of the virtues of this preamp. I can also give the Primaluna my highest recommendation to anyone looking for a musical component that really does deliver the goods in a smart and beautiful package.

I would like to thank Primaluna for a great job in the design, build, and sound quality of this DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier. And to do so at a fair asking price is the icing on the cake.....

Kudos Primaluna!!
Curious What the rest of your system is, that you are using the Premaluna preamp with?
Hello Jriggy. I am feeding the Primaluna pre to Merrill Audio Veritas mono amps which in turn drive my Sonus faber Olympica 3's...
Why do they use those 5ar4 tubes? I look at the CJ ET3SE and VTL 2.5i and ARC preamps and they don't use them. Why not?

I just looked up Cary and they don't either except on the SLP-05 but that's like $9k or something.

Sorry to be a pain.
Tube rectification is the preferred way to do it in preamps as well as source components (like the Modwright Oppo). It means the circuit path is really tube. It costs a lot more to do it this way which is why you typically see it in very expensive products. The preamp in this thread like all PrimaLuna preamps uses two 5AR4 rectifier tubes. They have to as they are dual mono with discreet parts for both channels.

But you won't see it much in power amps and integrated amps because when the amp is pushed you can get voltage sag. Some guitar amps have it, but they LIKE the sag and the way that music compresses. But in high end audio, it's really not desirable. Cary has 5U4 rectifier tubes in the SLI-80, but it's not purely tube as it's also got some solid state elements.

I'm glad the publisher of the thread likes the preamp. I use one myself and it's the best I've ever had. And I have a very large collection of the best tube gear in my personal stash (It's a big passion for me)