Stillpoints LP Isolator Record Weight

Has anyone who has auditioned the Stillpoints LP Isolator (LPI) offer their opinion on the turntable accessory? I'm curious if it would provide any advantage over the standard VPI Record Weight / Periphery Ring combo.
Agriculturist, the Ultra Sixs make no sense on top a component as one side has five of the "technology" and the other side one.

The only addition that the Five offers over the LPI is greater weight. The heavier weight was evident, but sometimes it was good and some times not. UMMV.
That is definitely interesting to hear about the weight making a difference. Thanks.
Agriculturist, it makes a big difference but it tarnishes something. Try it.
TBG, actually based on your suggestion I got three Mapleshade weights (two .75 lbs and one 1.5 lbs) and put them on top of the three SP LPIs I have on the preamp section of my VAC integrated. So far I am loving the difference the extra weight makes. What did you find gets tarnished or spoiled?
Thanks for the ideas.