Does a Good 20 amp cable Make a Difference

Hello everyone,

Since I purchaced a shunyata Power filter over a year ago.I noticed that after I upgraded to better a/c
cables for my sources I noticed a remarkable improvement in my overall sound.Indeed it can be a long and ardous journey in the quest to find great power cable that will best suit your setup,and bring out the most in every manner possible! Thankfully Ive been quite fotunate in not having to test too many cords in finding the right one!

Now my query over bettering my cables for my components,is the one for the power filter itself! Im presently using
a Shunyata Diamondback 20 amp a/c cable for this purpose alone.I gather IMHO Its more or less at $200.00 something dollars its probably one of their entry level cable.

Now seeing im presently using a/c cables that are in the $400 $500 $600+ range.Would it not make sense to go equally for a great 20 amp a/c cable for the the power filter?

And could this upgrade bring all the other cabling on the filter brought into better perspective.and would the diff
erence be an appreciable one?
Zyac39 - what are you planning on plugging into the power conditioner?

If the amp is not going into the conditioner you may only need 15 amp cable.

What make/model is the conditioner?

I have all my low current devices into a power distribution box - the amp goes into the wall.

I didn't notice any difference between a 13 gauge and a 10 gauge power cord connecting the distribution box to the wall. Both were identical architecture and quality of materials.

There was only marginally less bass when I put the same 13 gauge PC on the amp - a 50 watt NAIM 5i - not a huge current draw

Well I'm planning to use a 20 amp pc by Shunyata Python Helix straight into power filter to dedicated line.

ZY - OK - but what plugs into the conditioner ?

The amp(s) or just source components?


I have a Black Mamba CX going from amp to power filter.
A Venom Digital AC from player to powerfiler.
Than I want to either get a Python Helix or Black Mamba HC CX
20 amp cable to go from power filter to dedicated line.

Oh,and I also found out that it's important to get top notch sockets rather than hubble than I'm presently using.
I was suggested Shunyata outlets ot OED RO at $150.00 than can
really make a difference!
Zy - if I had your investment in Shuyata products I would personally keep with them.

The Black Mamba HC CX would be a good choice for outlet to the power filter link and from the power filter to your amp

You could try buying just one to start with and try it...
- first on the power filter
- then on the amp.

Depending on the current draw of your amp - the existing power cable my be more than adequate.

Personally, I plug my amp directly into the wall outlet - which is a dedicated line with Pass and Seymour MRI grade outlets - they clamp like a vice.
