$10K budget. Help

I have a $10K budget and would like to upgrade my Mcintosh MA6500 integrated amp and Monitor Audio GR20 speakers.
Would like to go with a tube integrated with a phono stage.
Speakers, I would like monitor's. New or used.
Any help would be appreciated.
"08-13-15: Michaelkingdom
FYI, I am the VAC dealer located in Sarasota. I am the dealer Shumph15 mentioned above. I have experience with the MA6900."

I checked out your website. It looks like you have a really nice store. Have you been there long? Also, isn't VAC located really close to Sarasota?
Yes, VAC is a short drive from me and I have been lucky enough to spend some time there learning first-hand about the craftsmanship that is involved. Simply, they are amazing.

We are a "home based" dealer which means we'll be here indefinitely.
It's been hard for me to wrap my head around the home based dealer thing. How do you find folks? I've always felt strange going to folks home to listen to gear. I've done it twice and had great experiences, but it's just different for me I guess, lol.