Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
As Grannyring has stated, be patient, about 100 hrs, everything keeps improving. Best, Rob
Rob/Grannyring, After Six days the extra warmth has gone away. These Belden ICs are sounding great. Suprising that it took this long since before putting them in they spent a full 100 hours burning in in the back room.
Really happy they finally got burned in. For some reason my wire took less time.
After Six days the extra warmth has gone away.
Please explain "extra warmth" since I thought these IC cables display an inherently warm midrange similar to the WE speaker cables. I have the speaker cables in my system now and I am trying to find time to make the ICs but need to decide which connectors to use. I have both the very good Furutech FP601/602 (G) and the pretty good Vampire XLR connectors here that I could use. At $170/pr the Furutechs seem like overkill compared to the cost of the wire, but they are the best sounding XLR connectors I have heard so will be worth it if there is a chance I will keep these cables in my system for good and, based on what I am hearing from the speaker cables, that is possible.
Mitch2, I am an avid DIY builder with gear and wire. I know you want to use the better connectors, I get it, but please use the same Switchcraft connectors that usually come with these Use the same exact build, connecting the shield on both ends etc...

This stuff is magic as is and proven. "Better" connectors will not necessarily equal better sound. We have a proven recipe here that is so special.

The WE wire sounds better without spades....just bare wire. I tried both. If you must use connectors, then I fully understand. They still sound wonderful with them as you know.

The Belden cable with the Switchcraft connectors just plain works. Major Mojo stuff here! Like tomato and bacon! Like bacon and eggs! Like bacon and anything really....