Component cable for long runs

Due to the fragility of an HDMI circuit to electrical overload , I would like to run a component A/V cable instead .
I need about a 28 ft. run though . Will a component cable of this length work as well as a HDMI cable of the same length ?

Thank You
Saki70, no 6m is the longest I have dealt with, but I have friend that has used approx. 10-11 meter out of a Pioneer Elite to a Sharp projector and seemed to be getting very good results. He was using Monster at the time.
I think if he had any shortcomings, it may have been the cable and the path he chose that may have introduced some interference.
Sufentanil ;
With all due respect..
I do 'not' have an aversion to HDMI . And I am not talking about a 'direct' lightening strike . I am talking about 'small' surges that take out the HDMI ports in the equipment . The above mentioned surge came in on the data cable so my whole house protection did not have a chance to work . The surge came in behind my protection . And yes I do unplug my high end audio equipment just for this reason .
I am not wanting to do component cable as an alternative to HDMI for the things that need HDMI . I just want to use the component cable for everyday tv watching and not have to worry about 'small' surges that may occur when not able to disconnect for whatever reason .

Please , I just want to know if a 9 or 10 meter component cable will work without picture or audio degradation for average cable tv viewing .

Thank You .