Advice needed in Spain

I currently run a Rega P2/RB250 with Mitchell weight/Ortofon 520 II. This then goes through a complete NVA system (amps & cables) to Blueroom Minipods.
I want to upgrade the turntable but living in the south of Spain there is very little opportunity to do many comparative listening tests. I like my music quite neutral and clean but very detailed. I listen mainly to acoustic/James Taylor/Crusaders etc.

I've come up with a short list and would really appreciate hearing from anyone who has direct experience of these TT's.

1. Clearaudio Concept wood/Clearaudio MC
2. Nottingham Analogue Studios Interstate junior/ G1042
3. Well Tempered Simplex/G1042
4. VPI Scout

I don't want to go down the route of either buying second hand or of tweaking various bits one at a time. I have a budget of €2,800 ($3,100)and have the wife's permission to spend it!!!

Any advice will be greatly received.
You can probably get a Scout, Dynavector P-75 and a Dynavector DV20 low output. That setup will do everything well, and you don't have to worry about a mismatch with the cart and phono pre.
from my experience and for what music you like I would go with Clearaudio set...
Everyone will have it's own opinion and I'd go with Nottingham. It's universal for any music with detail and precision