SF Amati Futura with vintage Jeff Rowland

I bought my hi-end system nearly 20 years ago. Recent addition was a Linn Accurate DS streamer with NAS, 3 years ago. I use Jeff Rowland Synergy 1 preamp and two Model 6 amps (150W@4 Ω) that look like they will last a lifetime. Speakers are Wilson Audio Witt that I never really liked, as they are not particularly sexy and age not as well as the Rowlands. Cables are Cardas Golden Cross.

I plan to upgrade piece-by-piece; this year, the speakers. I have listened recently to SF Amati Futura and loved both sound and look but could not test them with my Rowlands; therefore I am not sure they match well. Eventually next year I could replace the preamp but would like to keep the Model 6 amps 2 or 3 more years at least.

My living room is painted white with hard wood flooring and a large window on one of the long side, minimalist design with the only acoustic treatment consisting of thick carpets on two-third of the floor area. Room approximately 12m/39’ x 6m/19’ x 2.8m/9’. Speakers are facing the length of the room and their back is about 1.2m/4’ from the wall. I am listening mostly classical orchestra, sometimes easy listening. Thank you for sharing your insight.

The Amati Futura are just wonderful speakers. I have heard them paired with Pass 60.8 amps. I would imagine they would also work fine with your Jeff Rowland amps. I have not heard Jeff Rowland electronics in a very long time. I own a pair of the SF Elipsa SE Reds matched with ARC Reference electronics. This is just a magical combination.

Make a long term plan and work toward it. Decide what Amp and preamp combination you like and ultimately want to use. AudioAficionado.org has a Sonus Faber Forum. It might help give you some ideas on what works well together.
Lostbears, you're right. But if it is difficult to plan when you're starting from scratch, it’s even more when upgrading from an existing system. I feel somewhat lost.

As a Sonus Faber dealer, we have found that our customers have thoroughly enjoyed the Sonus Faber Amati Futura's. In a very extensive line, the Futura's seem to be the sweet spot in the line. Our most recent pair sold was paired with McIntosh 1.2Kw's and let me tell you, what an excellent combination! The person who bought the Futura's is a classical music lover and has found that the playback with the Amati Futura's is far beyond what he ever could have imagined. In fact, he loved them so much he bought another pair for his bedroom upstairs!

We would love to guide you in your future Sonus Faber purchase. You can reach us here for further questions.


Best of luck to you.

Scott Walker Audio
Orange County, CA.