Metrum Pavane NOS DAC

Been listening to it for a few days now. This is a most beautiful sounding DAC. I'll give it a few more weeks before declaring it an astonishingly beautiful sounding DAC.

I wish I discovered it earlier, as it would have saved me a lot of money churning through equipment.

Yes, sorry you are right, back on topic.
Sometimes we can get off on the tech side of things just as much as the final sound of them.
Then the embryo of the final sound is the tech side.?
Oh dear now I've got a headache.

Cheers George
A correction to my previous post. When I said:
Maximum speed, btw, looks like it is not much faster than redbook, as the digital data is described as being clocked into a 24 bit register serially at 35 MHz max (indicated as 50 MHz max in one place, perhaps incorrectly).
Delete the reference to "not much faster than redbook." A 24 bit serial interface running at 35 MHz is easily capable of accepting data at hi rez sample rates. Apologies for the error.

-- Al
According to Analog Devices the 5791 has no IV converter....voltage comes straight off the resistor string.

Now back to your scheduled programming.