Wilson Sophia 3 vs Sabrina

Hi. Few years ago I demo home Sasha 1 and was blown away. Since than I listen Sophia 3 many times and decided to go with S3 as soon I construct my new listening room. I'm not so impressed with last Wilson speaker generation. Well, that was until I heard Sabrina at Innivation Audio showroom and first time I liked how new tweeter sound. Sabrina sound to me more coherent than any Wilson I heard. Still, I prefer Sophia power and scale, but not sure which can give me more plasure. Anybody compare them?
I am in your situation to evolve my current speakers.
I heard Sabrina just two days ago and Sophia 3 two months ago, with my favourite music but in two different contexts, so I prefer to speak about emotions they gave me and not with audiophile therms...
For what I auditioned,in my opinion Sophia 3 is far better than Sabrina, and the difference in cost means there is no story for me.
But, my room is approx. 50 square meters and maybe the Sabrina will sound better in smaller rooms than the Sophia.
Good Luck!
Not questioning Max's experience, but the first time I listened to the Sabrina's, was in a really large hotel conference suite. The system did not seem to have a problem filling the room with sound.
Precisely guys-

the Sabrina was built/designed to go into a smaller space then the Sophia/Sasha. Yes, both the Sasha & Sophia are better in a larger room, no doubt. All Wilson speakers do well w/ solid state and tubed gear. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Today I demoed both speakers side-by-side in smaller then optimal treated room with ARC gear connected with Transparent cables. Sabrina was positioned closer to rear wall sounding little heavy in mid-bass. Midrange sounded buttery smooth with highs detailed and airy. Sabrina handled vocals beautify, same time with all Wilson strengths; full-body sound with respectful dynamic. I tough Sophia3 will be even more overkill but since it was position more forward in my surprise bass was excellent. No boomy mid-bass with greater authority, speed, pitch and extension compare to Sabrina. Actually, Sophia3 sounded clearer throughout the spectrum with better resolution in mids and highs. Vocals lost warmth to some degree, but didn't sound cold. Same goes with tweeter; not harsh whatsoever, just with different character. I was so impressed with this set-up (witch I thought it's not possible in small size room) that I continue to listen Sophia3 few hours not desiring to switch back to Sabrina. I found both speakers are great, but Sophia3 is my choice so far.
Thanks MF,

I always tend to like the larger speakers better when given the option. They just seem to hit with more impact in the bass which is critical to me. I have never bought into the "speakers too big for a given room" concept. 30hz bass at a given SPL is 30hz assuming the speakers physically fit in the room. But buying large expensive speakers for a small room could be a waste of money if the output is not needed.