Koetsu cartridges - what arms work?

Hello. I wonder if there are arms that Koetsu cartridges are particularly synergistic with?

Any insight would certainly be appreciated.

Hi Lewm Hi FI News and Record Review. I have owned a FR64s &FR64FX & FR66s many years ago. I used a KOETSU Rosewood in the FR64s many years ago and it certainly performed well in this arm.I would not consider the FR66s ideal for a KOETSU URUSHI or the stone bodied KOETSU's. The Triplanar is a superb tonearm but some users have reported variable results with KOETSU cartridges. As I have stated arm effective mass is only one aspect of compatibility. The Origin Live site has the specs of their arms and other info. Mass loading at the headshell if done carefully is an excellent way of fine tuning if needed. The Koetsu Urushi just loves the Goldmund T3b.Setting up of this arm my specialty. I collated info from Martin Colloms, David Wilson and info from a Goldmund Tech by phone many years ago re set up. The Koetsu also worked beautifully in the LUSTRE GTS801 Arm when properly set up.
I have Koetsu Urushi Blue on Graham Phantom Supreme II 10" arm, and it is beautiful. Very quiet, tracks great and the sound is sublime.
(it is on the new Hanss T-60 TT)
Hanss is a very good table, especially for the price
Very solid and musical performer
Hi Lewm;HFN&RR July 2013 vol58 No07 Review of Koetsu Urushi Sky Blue. Evaluated by Ken Kessler in a SME Series 5 and compared with a Koetsu Blue Onyx & Gold Onyx. The compliance measured 13/13 vertical/lateral; mechanism very symmetrically balanced and ideally suited to medium/heavy tonearms. I have noted Maril555 entry where he uses a Graham Phantom Supreme 11 10" arm with a Urushi blue and he is very pleased with the performance of this combo on his turntable. The turntable/arm interface is very important. A review of the EAT E-Go 12" arm in HFN&RR April 2013, based on the current Phantom 11 Supreme has a measured effective mass of 13g both vertical/lateral; cartridge weight range 5-20g/ compliance range 8-20cu. Measurements by Paul Miller.