Slow adaptation of KT150 by amp mmanufacturers

I am surprised that more audio companies have not jumped on the KT150 by now. I know there are several manufacturers such as AR, Jolida, Primaluna, Icon and Allnic that have amps that are able to use this tube but I thought more would have by now.

The vast majority of reviews from people who have heard the 150 have been very positive. Any info on other companies who may have something in the works?
I see the Octave V80 SE is out with KT150's
I didn't know it was already out. Looks like the list price is 9250 Euro.
David, I did the SE upgrade bit with my Ref 150. I think it made a noticeable improvement. I don't think the SE upgrade for the Ref 75 is terribly expensive. Oregonpapa is in 7th heaven with his Ref 75 SE. Check his posts on the Forum.
Jgottget - How would you compare these against the Silver 88s which also could use the KT150 tube? I know the Silver 88 is no longer being produced, however I'm sure there are still some dealer demos out there to be had...
I didn't get a chance the hear the 88's, my dealer only had the Mid Mono's on hand, which sounded really nice. The Mono 120's have bigger transformers and more power but a higher output impedance than the 88's. I had a similar time trying to find a KT-150 amp. Quicksilver has a good reputation and getting a new amp made for the KT-150's for $3,995 seemed like a pretty good bet.