In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music

I just read this terrible news about the death of Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music Systems. He was a great guy and this is very, very sad. Rest in peace, Bobby.
I am emphathetic to the concerns of Redfan, Ssandl1 and Bluebull. This is a very sensitive area in light of what has happened but in NO way do I think that these gentlemen are unreasonable in their concerns. The timing of their comments, well, we each can draw our own conclusions. As to Bluebull's last comment about Bobby being honest about what was going on, having personally dealt with similar circumstances totally unrelated to Merlin Music and Bobby I would only say that he just couldn't accept the fact that he couldn't deliver what he promised, too much out not enough in. In addition something to consider, Bobby would NEVER compromise his product or dilute it to satisfy a customer's concern regarding delivery, it just took a little longer. It seems he may have run out of time on delivering and there wasn't enough money coming in to offset what was going out. It is unimaginable how this must have preyed on his psyche along with other unknown personal problems.

The one overriding thing that is acknowledged by all is that this man gave his all up to the time he felt he had nothing left. Bluebull, he was honest in that respect. His model of business, the time spent with his customers, the extra mile well beyond what was expected became unsustainable most likely. The acknowledgement of all the positive comments above are a testament to the integrity and decency of the man. The truly sad thing is that he felt he could no longer deal with these and other personal issues and there was no other way out.
Tubegroover your remarks are very well stated and humbling, thank you for seeing this from all angles.

I personally meant no disrespect and sincerly express my apologies to all if I came across as wrong in my timing or in the tone of my comments.

I will truly miss Bobby and wish his immediate family and family of friends nothing but the best going forward.
Redsfan, etc:

I understand your concerns. I'm a sole proprietor of a consulting business. I get bankruptcy notices from client's business entities all of the time. I'm an unsecured creditor as will you be if Merlin goes under. I've waited for months for deliveries of product from Bobby and several other small shops. I've gotten burned sometimes. It can also happen with much larger companies. When Tweeter went under, many of their customers who had product or even repairs in the pipeline got burned. It sucks but it happens.

I was only making a quick statement in hopes of someone connected to Merlin to reach out to me and let me know that my situation is acknowledged and will be taken care of in due time.

But the place to do that is not in an "In memorium" thread; and the time is not within a few days of Bobby's death. His family and friends are trying to deal the premature death (by suicide no less)of a loved one. Can you imagine how much you would add to their pain if they were to see this? Remember, it's not like this is a private conversation; the internet is forever. We can't even point them to this thread for some comfort as to how much his skill and passion has enriched other's lives.
So saddened to hear this. I had nothing but fantastic experience with my VSM-MXe's, thanks to the loving care with which he designed and built them, and the ever present ongoing support. We had many conversations on the phone, as well as in person, on how to get the most out of them, equipment changes, tuning, etc. Somehow, he always had time for those conversations and I enjoyed them immensely. Rest in peace and I pray for comfort for his family at this tragic loss.

I had many correspondences with Bobby via email, and he was always quick to respond to any technical questions I had concerning my TSM MME's. He was so patient with my novice inquiries, and always a gentleman.
And all this, despite the fact that he knew I had bought my speakers used, and not from him.
I am so saddened by his passing, and by the thought of what he must have gone through leading up to it.
R.I.P. Bobby. You were clearly a good man.