Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Charles, Yep! Piano is so hard to get right. She heard 26 years worth of LvB sonatas without ever having been fooled. Is it live, or is it Coincident?
Just took delivery of my 6'8" WE 16g speaker wires.

My first impression on taking them out of the package? "THESE are purportedly going to beat what I have now?!"

They're so small, so narrow, so light... so old. I'd hesitate to hook up a lamp with these.

It'll be interesting to see how this goes.

Interesting you say that I find the WE wire has strange settling in more than any other wire I have heard?

Rob and Grannyring
As we talked about before this wire could shake many foundations of belief and not just about wire.

Does this mean Silver caps are not better? I only have copper so can not say but many think so...

Why use Silver solder? When wire coated in tin is great? (I can not claim to hearing any solder difference but many can)

Someone mention skin affect being not good with only 25 strands.

Yazaki-san is sending our beliefs for a loop!
Ok Jet a built a set of WE ICs today. Here is my build. Switchcraft gold RCA connectors. I used one pole of 16g WE for positive and one for negative twisting over the length of the cable. Not a tight twist but a turn every 1.5 - 2 inches.

I then place a tinned copper braided shield with 85% coverage and soldered on both negative ends. The braid is made by Belden. I then placed clear heat shrink over the braid and finally a nice gold colored woven cloth outer jacket.

Burning in on my cheap shop system.
Rhanson, "All that's golden does not glitter." Giving these a try surely requires slaughtering every sacred cow in sight. Were it not for Rob's endorsement, who I know to share my sonic value system, I would have dismissed all this wire as someones pipe dream. However, since I was in the process of putting together a new system requiring long runs of wire, the attractive price in addition to Rob's endorsement compelled me to give it a try. While my experiment got off to a rough start, with only about 10 hours of burn in, I am very satisfied with this wire and have no doubt it will get better based on Bill's experience with burn in. Even if it gets no better than it is right now, it is a steal at the price. Nothing I have tried at 2x or 3x the price comes close. It will be, as you say, interesting to see how it turns out for you.