What Did I Do Wrong?

I have a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated with the KT120 tubes. I wanted to try the EL34 sound in my system so I purchased 4 Shuguang EL34B tubes which were graded and matched from Upscale Audio. I checked with Rogue and was told to set the bias at 30ma. I received the tubes today, installed them and let them warm up for 30 minutes. The sound was a little ragged and distorted and try as I may, I couldn't get a reading on the bias meter.

Thinking I wrecked the amp, I reinstalled the KT120 tubes (thank God I marked which socket they came out of) fired the amp up and the sound is again full with no distortion. I checked the bias on the KT120's after 30 minutes and the bias on one tube was off a little.

Why did the EL34 tubes sound distorted and why couldn't I bias them? What did I do wrong? Do you think these tubes are all toast now?
Note that I referred to measuring between pins 1 and 8 of the socket, not any of the tubes. If there is no continuity between those pins on the socket, per my earlier comments it would most likely be a good indication that the amp is not designed to accept EL34s or EL34Bs. Although if there is continuity it would not necessarily mean that they can be used in the amp.

Without a schematic or other specific information on the design of the amp I have no idea as to whether or not the EL34B's may have been damaged. If I were to hazard a guess, though, just based on instinct and on what I know about the tubes, I would guess that they're probably ok.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al
"I should have listened to Uncle Kevin at Upscale, he advised against it."

I have known Kevin for almost 30 years and have bought thousands of dollars worth of tubes from him. I have never had a bad one and he has never steered me wrong with his recommendations.

If he advised against it, you should have listened. He knows more about tubes than anyone I've ever meet.
Forgive me, but I find this whole thread bizarre, particularly the OP's statement that:

"I wanted to try the EL34 sound in my system so I purchased 4 Shuguang EL34B tubes which were **graded and matched from Upscale Audio.** **I checked with Rogue** and was told to set the bias at 30ma." (** = emphasis added by me.)

Based on numerous past experiences with Kevin Deal at Upscale, he always asked me the amp brand I was retubing. If that happened here, I surmise it highly unlikely that Kevin, who knows tubes and amps pretty darn well, would have sold the OP EL34s for a KT-120 tube amp.

And even harder to understand is that the OP wrote that he checked in with Rogue and they even told him how to bias the EL34 tubes, implying that Rogue approved the switch. Weird.

Perhaps Al, Gary (Hifigeek) or one of the other electronics techies can help me out here. I would have thought that an EL34 amp would employ a very different circuit topology than a KT-120 amp. In short, I surmise that the two tube types are not electrically compatible.

Ok, I just embarrassed myself by delving into tech stuff I know knowing about. Go ahead tech guys and slap me down. I deserve it.

Btw, ARC performed the SE upgrade to my Ref 150 several months ago. Kal mentioned in passing that the 6550, KT-120 and KT-150 tubes are electrically similar. Not to say one should just drop a KT-150 tube into an old 6550 tube amp without first checking with the manufacturer. Just making the point that the 3 tubes just mentioned share similar electrical characteristics and properties.

Just caught the 9-6 post from Mofimadness ... well yeah. If Kevin said don't do it, why would the OP go against Kevin's recommendations.

I surmise that if the Rogue amp works with the KT-120s back in place, then everything is probably ok. But I gotta tell ya, if I shoved EL34s into the tube sockets of my Ref 150 SE, I'd have a lingering concern that I damaged the amp.

Very odd thread.
Hi Bruce (Bifwynne),

There are a considerable number of differences between the EL34 and the KT-120, some of which I described in my initial post above. However it is still possible to design an amp such that it can use either tube. As I mentioned, some of the PrimaLuna amps are designed in that manner. One consequence of that versatility being, I believe, that all of those PrimaLuna amps are rated to deliver significantly less power than the 100W rating of the OP's Rogue amp, even with KT-120s.

And as I indicated in my initial post above, there are grounds for suspicion that the OP's Rogue amp is not designed in a manner that would make it possible to use EL34s or EL34Bs in place of the KT-120's it is supplied with. It seems that the person at Rogue to whom the OP spoke may have simply been mistaken.

Best regards,
-- Al