Vincent SV236MK Dry and bright?

I have read so much positives about this hybrid amplifier that I am kind of surprised when I heard it.

I am in the process of creating an affordable system that serves music well and is at least acceptable in audiophile terms. (Just sold my quite more expensive system)

I just added this Vincent amplifier and am surprised by its sound.
It definitely does some things very well for its price point, good detail, quite crisp, and nice flow and pace.

But I find it to sound so damn dry at times, and although it does have some tubelike warmth it also sounds quite bright.
Shifting a lot of music into not enjoyable for me.
I already replaced the stock tubes with Sovtek 12ax7lps, which helped some but not enough.

Does anyone have the same experience with this model?

At the moment I am experimenting with Sonus Faber Liuto monitor and Rega Dac.

I must add the new tubes have only about 20 hours on them and the Rega DAC about 60 hours.
But although I do believe in some break in effects, I have never experienced a system transforming to enjoyable from the other side.
(Not that I can't completely enjoy this system, but you get my point)

I can tame at least the brightness with speaker positioning in this setup, tilting etc.
But only when part of the brilliance of the airiness and stage is gone I succeed. A trait I am not willing to make.
And even than the highs continue to sound dry.

Any experience with this amp would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
You might consider different tubes, one with a warmer signature than the Sovtek - I've always found them to be on the clear but bright side of neutral. Perhaps some new production JJ's or, better yet, some Mullards. I've used the Mullards to soften up a bright high end.
Thanks for the quick responses.

I do not think underpowering is the problem here, the Liuto monitor is much easier to drive than older Sonus Faber models.
I've owned the Guaneri Memento and Auditor M in the past, the GM was very difficult, the Auditor was quite easy on amps, and I think the Liuto even more so.
The Vincent seems te be in control.

Newbee, the LPS version of tthis tube is indeed not warm, but a lot more balanced than most Sovteks. And I chose these because my mids and lows are already somewhat on the warm side because of the cumulative efect of the Rega/Sonus combo.
I think the control in that region is now almost ideal, and more warmth would make it more fussy I am afraid.

Any other ideas?