Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
A comment from Jeff Day Blog from European collegue Siedy Abee regarding WE16ga speaker wire and cables in general; at any rate something to think about:

"I promised you to write an article about the wonderful nice sounding SPEC amp at my home. Due to the hectic time at my work and private live did not found the right time to make a start with the article. On short terms I will do. I can tell that I will put some extra news in it. My friend Piet (www.audiotweaks.nl) has been recently been blown away by the Harbeth super hl5 plus!

I was hesitating a long time to write a bit about the wonderful and truly REAL sounding Western Electric WE16GA cables. I heard them at Piets place. Mr Yazaki-san did send him some meters.

A lot of people are wondering why this cable sounds so real and humanlike. Most people believes that the secret of the cables lies in the copper-tin inner wires. This is partly true. The real secret is hidden in the outer side of the cable! This is a cable that is NOT isolated by a chemical polluted isolation mantel. The materials they use is a type of cotton that is very friendly for the sound! This material does not destroy the sound. A lot of most common used isolation stuff is degrading the sound. Most people do think that the signal goes THROUGH the cable. This is partly true. Most of the signal goes his way OUTSIDE the cable. How more natural the used isolation material (cotton or silk) is (and NON chemical polluted) how better the cable can transport the real music.

My advice is not to isolate the cable with an outer shield. This wil have a negative influence on the sound! Be sure. If you cable is picking up some hum than you can better twist in more heavily. Please twist it right handed.

I looked at your interlink, Jeff. I saw that you used some plastic tape. Please, put this of your cable and have a listen! Or change it by tape made from cotton.

Please, check also if jou twisted the cable to the RIGHT hand site. If not than do so.

Perhaps some people are amazed about the way I explain why this cable sounds so nice. In the last year I learned a lot from my friend Jan Hut about materials who have a positive influence on the sound and in opposite way how materials (plastics, teflon) can destroy the sound. When I heard an interlink made with this approach I was positively blown away.

I would say Jeff, give it a try."

So, Abee recommends no shielding.
I wonder what "twisting the cable right-handed" means (per Siedy comment above). Wouldn't this change depending on which way you were looking at the cable?
Salectric, I thought the very same thing.

Mikirob, that poster on Jeff's site missed the fact that the WE wire does indeed have a rubber like shield in addition to the natural fibers. The rubber like material is actually on the wire before the cloth.

We need you almarg!