Best Used Phono preamp around $2500

Guys looking to get back into analog- Looking to start with a phono preamp as I have a Tech. SL1200 MK2 with KAB upgrades for the moment to use- What is the best used preamp around $2500- I have a tube pre and amp- thanks
I compared the Herron to the ARC reference model (don't remember the reference #) at the time (3-4 years ago) and felt they were very similar in sonic signature, the ARC was($9600)so I purchased the Herron.

Mike Sanders is a lot like Roger Modjeski---both excellent tube circuit designers whose Quicksilver Audio and Music Reference (respectively) products don't get much attention, for some reason, flying below the radar. I'll bet it sounds great Yogi, and if a buyer has any special phono amp requirements Mike will probably be willing to incorporate them into his amp as a customization.

I recently bought a VTPH-1MM directly from Keith Herron, and he put in the 15K resistance and 220pF capacitance called for by my London cartridge, and even substituted a pair of 12AT7 tubes for two of the four 12AX7's in the stock PH-1, to reduce the amps gain a couple dB (the London puts out 5mV's!). And this in a product discontinued over a decade ago! (Keith had a VTPH-1MC that had been traded in laying around, and rebuilt it into an updated PH-1MM for me). I love buying from a smaller company, where you deal with the designer/builder himself.
Yogi - Almost all of my listening is to classical music, mostly from the late 1800s to modern day.

In my system, the Herron VTPH-2 has no sonic signature. It is extremely clean sounding top to bottom. Very detailed. It is not warm or bloated, nor is it dry or etched. It is neutral. Period.

The Herron is dead silent. All the music comes from a totally black background.

Instrument textures are there without being over-emphasized. They are just part of the performance.

The soundstage and imaging do NOT bring the musicians into the room. Instead, for me, the listener is transported to the original venue and time of the recording.

The VTPH-2 just does everything correctly.
Bpoletti, I appreciate your description of the Herron. When you had the QS were you using stock tubes?