Pass XA 200.5 versus X-600 for MBL 101D

Have Parasound Halo:
JC-1's JC-2 JC-3 and CD-1 & clearaudio avant-grande TT
Room size: 18'x 26' & 9' high
Listen to Female Vocals, Jazz & Classical primarily. Fairly loud.

Any input on one of these amps over the other would be very helpful. Where I live leaves no opportunity to A-B

Currently will be purchasing Pass Labs Xs-20, XP-25 and probably an Esoteric K-03?

Thoughts always appreciated...
Your speakers have a sensitivity of 81 db and are nominally a 4 ohm load. Without digging deeper into the speakers specs I would say the xa200.5's would have no problem driving them and that is the route I would go. I prefer Pass Labs class A mono-blocs to their class AB designs. And giving the type of music you listen to the class A mono-blocs makes the most sense.

Thank you for the responses so far, they are very helpful in knowing I will not need a mega watt output amp(s) for my speakers. With no dealers within hundreds miles of my home, the knowledge gained here is much appreciated.