Best Used Phono preamp around $2500

Guys looking to get back into analog- Looking to start with a phono preamp as I have a Tech. SL1200 MK2 with KAB upgrades for the moment to use- What is the best used preamp around $2500- I have a tube pre and amp- thanks
Yogi - Because I've heard the Herron VTPH-2 in a LOT of other systems and they ALL outperformed the Quicksilver and every other phono stage.

In MY zip code, it's called objective evaluation.
And Yogi, why would I have under-performing equipment in my system? Face it. The quicksilver just isn't in the same league as the Herron.
One thing that gets overlooked in the Heron is how good its MM stage is. 

In my experience, the MC stage has too much of an s-s signature.  Others will no doubt differ, but even when viewed as an MM stage, it's a great value. 

I run my Heron into the MM inputs, using one of several step-up transformers:  an Air Tight PH-1, a Hagerman step-up (Cinemags are inside), and  Quicksilver .

If you're struggling with your Heron (thinking there's untapped potential), it's worthwhile give it a try this way.

Thom @ Galibier Design
Update - post Audiofest (06-Oct).

A lot of updates to the system over the past 4 months:  (1) the new NiWatt amplifiers, (2) the pre-production prototype of the Eiger rim drive turntable, and (3) all new cabling (some litz cables I'm developing).

All of these developments, in combination with RMAF visitors presented a perfect opportunity to revisit my assumptions. 

Well, the short story is that I've gained new respect for the MC stage in the Heron, and it is currently the gain stage of choice.  My Air Tight (Tamura) step-ups, along with some very nice Cinemag transformers are on the shelf. 

The transformers are close, but in comparison with the Heron's internal MC stage, they don't deal with fast transients as well (a bit of hashy overshoot,in comparison).

Disclaimer:  as a manufacturer, I have accommodation pricing to the Heron.

In my humble opinion, the next step up (no pun intended) is the likes of EMIA and Alnic, but YMMV.  No association or financial interest, other than knowing Jeffrey Jackson (EMIA).

Thom @  Galibier Design